Welcome to the site for System Kiddos!

Happy Halloween!!!


Self Registration on the School Site!!!! | 10/18/2023

It's here. I fixed it! Self registration is now active on the school site.

In addition, you can use the same email for multiple accounts, so your kiddos can each have an account. You'll log in with your username and password.

This does not apply to System Social, the social media account. If you need fake emails for multiple people, please let me know and we'll get your account set up.

School Site | 10/16/2023

So it looks like I need to set up your school accounts. Remi, one of my littles, can't find a sign-up button when he goes to the site.

If you would like to participate in classes, please message me (dlithehil on Discord) your preferred name, username, and email (or ask for a fake one). You'll log in with your username and password and can change your password if you sign up with email. Otherwise, I'll have to set it. Not like I'd remember it but it is a security risk for you, technically. So only use a me-generated password if you absolutely have to.

System Social is Up! | 10/16/2023

System Social is officially working. It's a social media I made just for our systems and their close friends/family.

You can make your own profile using an email or message me on discord (AshenBlade Clan / dlitheil) for me to make you one without an email needed.

It's basically just your run of the mill social media with friends, profiles, posts, etc.


Why make this site?

This site was made for systems to feel like they have a place to be plural, without people judging them for who they are.

It started as a place for littles to do something resembling school, but I have since moved on to larger things, even implementing a Social Media called System Social.

I want to join the school/social media but I dont have an email that's just mine...

Message me on discord. Since I'm the admin, I can set up accounts with a fake email that you won't have to check/verify! You'll just need to give me the username you want and I'll come up with a password that you can change as soon as you get in.

What kind of school can littles expect?

I don't really have the time to run a "normal" school encounter, so I opted to let students go at a self-imposed pace.

I have several classes set up and I give "lessons" for students to work on on their own time.

The big kids get busy and you may not always have time for the littles to come out to do their schooling. As such, there are no due dates here.

I want to do the "School Stuff" but I'm not a little.

Some of my "classes" include coding to make your own website and using a software called Quest to make a text-based adventure game. Both are super fun in my opinion and open to anyone. You could even do the research based class if you want, but that's more aimed towards the littles. I really don't care what age you are. If you want to learn and make things, that's just something you want to do. Grades don't matter here. Have fun!

I want to teach a class!!

PLEASE DO!!! I can only do so much as a single system. My system is working and doing college full time. If you want to help, by all means do so!

Just message me on Discord. I'm the AshenBlade Clan or dlithehil